Ryan Higgins’ Mind Movies–Shift How You Feel In Minutes and Accelerate Your Results In Any Area Of Your Life

This is it…

Here you go…the best tool I’ve found so far for magnifying
and accelerating your visualizations…and in fact, taking
them “outside” of you and reflecting them back to you, so even
someone who’s not good at “visualizing” can have great success
focusing on what they’re wanting rather than continuing to
get stuck in the way things are right now.

Learn all about this wonderful tool–called “Mind Movies” from
Ryan Higgins, by clicking here
.  (and see 4-7-09 update below).

The product is excellent–walks you through the
process of creating your own mind movie step-by-step, and you can
also download and access several mind movies for free right
away (on health, money, relationships, and more–6 areas in total)

I used one of the “generic” ones above for about a month and felt
the power of it…then when I created my own below, the feelings
I experienced jumped through the roof.  (You won’t have the
same experience because many of the pictures below are personal
to me…but you’ll get the idea).

Once again, check out Ryan’s Mind Movies and free downloads here,
then enjoy my own mind movie below…my favorite part is the final
portion where the music shifts, beginning with “I have amazing

Ryan even has a really cool tool where my mind movie can be
playing full-screen in the background while I’m doing other
work on the computer!

Imagine what could happen between now and Christmas if you make
your own mind movie this weekend!


Dr. Ben

P.S. Click on the rectangle at lower right above to view full screen…enjoy, then
go make your own mind movie here.

**Update 4-7-09:  Use the link above to get your own pre-made mind-movies,
then visit the digital download version of the kit here.  For the time being,
the entire kit is available at a 75% discount as a digital download–works great
if you don’t have dial-up and don’t mind not having the actual DVDs.  Enjoy!

Creates A Surge Of Powerful Emotions In Just 3 Minutes

This was just shared with me yesterday.

In just 3 minutes, you’ll experience a surge of positive emotions…
which we now know “tunes” you in immediately to a different perspective
on life while at the same time releasing powerful endorphines and
neurotransmitters that can immediately shift your cells, your health,
and how you feel.


Oh, and stay tuned next for the best tool I’ve found so far for accelerating
your visualizations and turning them into results. 

P.S.  Click the box at lower right to view in Full-Screen mode!

Albert Einstein, Wayne Dyer, and You

Do you want to be right…

Or do you want to be free…

Albert Einstein has said that you can’t solve a problem with
the same consciousness, or level of thinking, that created it.

And Wayne Dyer has said very powerfully:

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

So my question for you today is, what do you want?

Do you want to prove yourself “right” about the way things are for you…


…as Jesus asked the infirm man at the pool of Bethesda,

“Do you want to be well?”

In coaching clients on their own journey to wellness, as well as
working with myself and with others in the context of a business
to create financial freedom, I find that we’re often attached to
our “story”…our way of looking at things…the way things “are”,
at least from our perspective…and it’s not until we really want
things to be different—more than we want to be “right” about the
way we see things—that we’re open enough to see things a different way…
and thereby to create a different experience…

Often it’s the very questions we’re asking ourselves and others that
show us where we’re coming from…and that powerfully affect where
we’re going…and what we “see”.

What questions are you asking?

Are you asking questions to prove yourself right or someone else wrong…

Or are you asking questions to create a new chosen outcome…

Such as being well…


Being free…

Food for thought…and for creating a different experience…

To your joyful and prosperous well-being,

Dr. Ben

P.S.  To intentionally learn to “see” differently and create a desired outcome
in your health, your finances, or your life, you can still register for the online
“Brain” course with Artemis Limpert at:

http://tinyurl.com/4uopuj then email me your receipt dated
between June 17th and Friday, June 20th, (send to drben@doctorbenlo.com )
and I will email you in return:

1)  A “Dr. Ben” bonus that people normally purchase

2)  Tips on how to get the most out of the “brain” course–
most people will miss these key steps

3)  And for all of you that send me a receipt dated by June 20th and your phone number,
I will give you a focused one-on-one coaching session where we address one area or question
you have and find 3 specific strategies you can apply to progress in that area right away.

The Art of Living “Imperfectly”

Yesterday Rachelle gave some fun eating ideas and also touched on a key principle—–
the art of “inner acceptance” and thankfulness.

Today I want to take a couple moments and address this further…

No matter where you are in your health today…

or in any area of your life for that matter…

…beginning from a place of inner acceptance and gratitude feels better now,
and also puts you on a path toward empowering steps you can take to continue
to feel better and better…creating a very different result than frustration, striving,
or feeling that you’re never really doing all that you should…

Yes, I know there may be things you want to change…

Yes, I know there’s always something we could do more or do better…

But what if you start today with the practicing of finding joy and gratitude right now…

What if you find a way to be thankful for the food and drink you take in today…thereby
maximizing it’s benefit and minimizing it’s potential “harm” if it’s not “perfect”, and finding
a little more joy with what you have today?

Then you may find yourself happier with yourself and your life, and also find it
easier to then choose a “next step” that may take you a little further into health—
maybe it’s eating a “healthy snack” of a piece of fruit or vegetable, or taking a few
moments in the sunshine—–a “life-affirming” step—that over time adds up to a
healthy and vibrant life…and you feel good along the way.

Practice the art of being “perfectly imperfect”, and finding joy and thanksgiving
each day of your journey to wellness.

Though seemingly simple, this daily practice of acceptance, thankfulness, and
then openness to “what’s next” can have a profound impact on your life.

So practice daily, enjoy the journey, and share your own comments and questions below.

For a complete system of “life-affirming” steps with both specific, practical nutritional
and health guidance, as well as key “inner” principles for approaching your own health
and well-being in just minutes a day, you can visit Your Journey To Wellness With Dr. Ben.

And if you’re ready to take a further step and want the guidance of working together
one-on-one over an extended period of time together, I’m about to open three more
spots for my personal mentoring program.

This program is not for everybody, in that I’m only looking to work directly with a few
people who are ready to really change specific patterns in their thinking and habits to
progressively transform their health and how they feel during the weeks we work together,
and to develop strategies they can use to continue to transform their health…and their life…
long after we’ve finished working directly together.

If you’re ready to take this step and commit to yourself to discover and accelerate healthy
change (yes, a word many people subconsciously fear!), you can call or email me directly
(1-888-909-6601 or drben@doctorbenlo.com ) for a personal interview
to see if you qualify and if this would be a match for you. 

Either way—whether indirectly through Your Journey To Wellness, or directly
via one-on-one mentoring, I look forward to working with you and hearing
about the wonderful changes you step into for the rest of 2008!

Dr. Ben

Natural Healing and Change–So What If You Have A “Setback”…?

imageJust finished a coaching session with a client, and one of the topics that came up was, what do you do when an old symptom or pattern “pops” back up?

Ever feel like you’re doing all the “work” — changing your eating, doing affirmations, learning to focus your attention on things that feel good — and then something “happens” and you react just like before — maybe it’s losing your temper, getting “tight” in your lungs, or “binging” on food or an activity in some way just when you thought you were doing well?

I know when that “happens” to me, I’m tempted to unravel everything like a ball of yarn and feel lousy.

But here’s a distinction I shared with my client today:

Imagine you’re in a forest traveling down a path, and suddenly you see a sign that shows you’re heading in a direction you no longer want to head, and you realize the path you really want is “over there.”

This is a critical moment of awareness, and of a change in direction (for your cells, your health, or your life, business, or relationships).

But even though you now know there’s a different path you want to get on, and you’ve changed your direction, we still live in “time and space” in our physical experience.

So as you travel over to the path you’re now choosing, you may still be passing through some parts of the forest that you don’t like much.

And when you look at your immediate surroundings, or your current health or condition, it might seem like not much has changed, because indeed, the leaves in this part of the forest still look similar since you haven’t moved very far from where you were…


But something very significant HAS changed — your whole direction.

And as time goes on, each day you continue in a different direction — practicing new patterns — pretty soon you’ll find yourself on a very different path, and in a very different place, than where you were before.

So here’s the key.

When you take your eyes off where you’re heading and start to look at your immediate surroundings — your current condition in your body, your finances, or your relationships — you may find that things don’t look that different, and be tempted to get discouraged.

This is another critical moment.

Because something very significant has changed — your direction — and if you continue in this new direction, eventually what you see around you — in your body, your money, and your relationships — will change, too.


If you allow yourself to get discouraged, and believe the “evidence of your eyes”…the “facts” that currently surround you…and you forget that  your direction is more important than what’s around you right now…and you stop heading in the new direction you’ve started…then you could get “lost” in this part of the forest, where you’ve already decided you don’t want to be.


Remember this:

*** the direction you’re heading in is more important than where you are right now ***

and don’t let where you are right now — your current condition — stop you from continuing to create new patterns and heading in the new direction you’ve chosen.

To your prosperous well-being!

Dr. Ben


How To Navigate the “Sea” of Natural Health Information…(or How to Feel Better Today…Even Without Knowing “All the Answers”)

Today I’ve prepared a special 2-part video for you triggered by the following question:

“In my Quest for good health, my biggest concern is the different answers you get when you only need a accurate answer, believe me when I say it can be a large difference, example, the research I have done on coral calcium, 1000mg per day with 1/2 that amount in magnesium and about 750 IUs of vitamin D, There are some that say 1000mg of calcium is too much, others say more 1200 and 1500 mgs of magnesium, no mention of vitamin D, just a sample…”

Now whether or not you have a question about calcium, in the following 2-part video I’m going to give you a great free resource you can access online that’s like having your own online natural health encyclopedia, and then I’m also going to give you some key guidelines for navigating the sea of health information in a way that’s simple yet powerfully effective.

So enjoy, and leave your comments, questions, and feedback below!  (Be sure to scroll down and watch both part A and Part B–they’re only about 9 minutes each!)

Dr. Ben

Part A:  (Scroll down to watch Part B after you finish Part A)

Part B:

P.S. For a complete Foundational Health Program that will save you time and money and equip you in minutes a day with the core health principles to create lasting results, visit Your Journey to Wellness.

And stay tuned for the “Get Back On Track With Your Health” coaching calls available starting Friday.

Modeling the Universe

When I wasa at MIT back in the 80’s studying electrical engineering, I discovered the importance of using models.

A model was simply a way of describing something that could give us a useful way of grasping ideas about the universe in which we lived.

And what mattered  most was not so much whether a model was “true”, but whether it was “useful”—in other words, whether the model could be used to make useful decisions and create predictable results.

What does this mean?

Well, if we “pretended” that the universe worked the way a model suggested, and we acted or made decisions based on that model, would we be able to “predict”, based on that model, what would happen next?

For example—no one’s actually seen an electron or electricity, but we have ways of modeling it that give us predictable ways of controlling our experience of light.

Well, in the same way, people have developed models of how the “non-physical”—our own thoughts, beliefs, and emotions and other things we can’t “see”—affect the “physical”—the things we can see and “measure” and experience.

Now some people like to argue over the words someone uses or whether things “really” are the way one model suggests.

I used to do that as well.

But gradually I’ve shifted to looking at whether a given model can give me and others useful and predictable results.

For example, no matter how I may describe gravity, or what “power” I may attribute gravity to, what I would consider a “useful” model would be one that let me know that if I step off a cliff, I’m going to fall, and therefore I can choose ahead of time not to step off that cliff.

Another example might be a model that reliably predicts how I can change my health, or an experience with money, by changing certain recurring beliefs or thought patterns. 

A couple such models that may be “different” than those you grew up with or learned in school are those provided by Robert Anthony and Louise Hay.

Robert Anthony takes quantum physics and applies it to your daily experience of money and of life.  He gives practical “experiments” you can do to “test” the model he gives and experience the results for yourself. 

His home-study course has been a great resource to me and to many, and after tomorrow (Feb. 29th) I’m told it will no longer be available.  But right now you can get it for half price here (and I highly recommend it!).

Louise Hay provides a model of health and of life with specific steps you can apply and “test” for yourself as well.  Her book You Can Heal Your Life (Gift Edition) has many wonderful affirmations and a unique guide linking physical symptoms with common thought patterns, and then new patterns you can anchor to change your experience.  She likens our subconscious mind to a garden and each thought we think to a seed.  What grows or “manifests” in our garden, and ultimately our experience, is determined by the seeds we sow.

Louise is now 80 and has just released You Can Heal Your Life, the Movie.

These are just two examples of “models” that could open doors for you to new experiences of life—particularly in the areas of money and health.

Enjoy, and remember to share your own experiences with using “models” of the universe in the comments below!

Dr. Ben

Robert Anthony’s “Know How To Be Rich” Course ends Friday

Just a quick heads up that Robert Anthony’s “Know How To Be Rich” Course will no longer be available after Friday, and right now you can grab a copy for half price here.

And here’s a quick message from me on the course:


This course is something that I’ve listened to over and over again (over a period of years and as recently as this week), and it’s one of the few single resources I can think of that could have a profound impact on your life experience if you apply the “practice” principle described on yesterday’s post.

Grab your own copy here, then let me know your own experiences in the comments below.

All the best to you!

Dr. Ben

What Do You Want to Change?

Today I have several questions for you:

What do you want to be different in your life or your
health this year?

What do you want to change?

Are you willing to change?

Recently I heard an interview of a remarkable gentleman
named Jett, and a particular phrase leaped out at me:

If you want things to change, you have to change!

As I coach people, I have discovered two major areas that
keep people from making the changes in their health that
they desire: 

The first is not knowing what to do, and in
many cases this appears as being overwhelmed with
information without the wisdom or discernment to know how
to apply it in a useful framework;

and the second—many have some
idea of what would make a difference, but fail to take the
steps necessary to create the results they desire.

In these weekly letters, we will seek to address both.

This week’s exercise will involve two steps:  first, decide
what you want to be different for you this year—do you want
more energy? Better nutrition?  Less stress?  To release
weight?  To feel better?  To decrease your use of

Decide what you want. 

Write it down. 

Now rephrase it in present tense using “I am…”  “I love…”
“I feel…”  and write down a few such statements, or
affirmations, that describe how you want to be and feel
even though you may not actually be there yet.

Examples might include:

I awaken with joy and energy.  I love how
I feel.  I love my life. 

I now lovingly nourish myself and release the weight I
no longer require.

Whatever you choose to write, read these statements at
least twice a day when you first arise and just before you
go to bed.

Second, ask yourself before going to bed tonight, what’s
one thing you could do tomorrow that would bring you closer
to what you want?

If an answer comes, great!  Commit to
doing it.  If not, go to sleep with the question open, and
see what comes to you when you awake.

Simple steps?  Yes!  Yet powerful tools that will assist
you in effecting any change you desire in your life.

Will you commit to doing this now?  How about tomorrow?  How
about each day for the next three weeks?

If you do, you will find you have begun a simple process that can be
applied again and again with huge results!

Talk to you again soon!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Last night while speaking with someone with depression
and heart trouble, I looked up this affirmation for heart
trouble in Louise Hay’s book Heal Your Body: 

Joy. Joy. Joy.  I lovingly allow joy to flow through my
mind and body and experience.

A great affirmation for all who struggle with stress,
health issues, or lack of joy!

Let me know your own experiences in the comments below!

Who Are You?

I’m in Dallas and just had a quick moment to write a note on a fascinating way of looking at an intriguing question that I heard yesterday.

The question is this:

 Who are you?

Pause a moment…

What comes to mind when you first “hear” that question?

Well, here’s a new answer I heard from Jerry Clark yesterday:

Possibility manifested.

Consider this a moment.

 What if your health, your current condition, your diagnosis, or whatever you’re experiencing now, is just one “possibility manifested”?

What if you could learn to manifest a different possibility, instead of continually re-inforcing and re-living the one you’re experiencing now?


More to come…

Dr. Ben

P.S.   Want to explore this further?  Discover the secrets to manifesting new possibilities in your health, beginning with “Why Most Programs Fail.”