What Is “Wellness”?

Not long ago I gave a talk at our local library.  On the left
side of a white board, I wrote the following words:


I then drew a vertical line, and on the right side of the
board, I wrote the words:


I then asked the group how they felt as they read each set
of words, and which side of the board they wanted to be on.

How do you feel when you read these words? 

Driving home from an early morning on the beach this week,
I heard Lynn Grabhorn say on a tape of her book Excuse Me
Your Life Is Waiting,

“…it’s fashionable to talk about
what’s wrong with everything instead of what’s right…”,
and I stopped to write this statement down. 

Focusing on what’s wrong is exactly what we’re trained to
do in medicine, which is where most of us turn when we’re
concerned about our health. 

For just a moment, pull up a chair and join me as we explore
new ways to think about your health.

For a moment, forget your diagnosis, your abnormal lab test,
your medications and questions, and your fears.

If you are reading this, you are living and breathing,
and there is an aliveness about you that can be fanned
in to vitality and health.

Let’s begin by shifting your focus…

What are you thankful for?

What’s going well with your body,
your health,
your life?

What did you do well today?

Did you get out of bed–celebrate that!

Did you eat or drink something nourishing–celebrate that.

Did you walk, work out, or exercise in some fashion–celebrate that!

You may be saying, “Yeah, but I still feel lousy” or “My doctor
still says my cholesterol’s too high”–or maybe it’s your
blood pressure or your blood sugar.

That’s okay–that’s where you are today.  That’s your
starting point–but it doesn’t have to be your endpoint
unless you do nothing to change.

However, if you’re with me this far, you’re reading because
you want to change–you want an answer other than what
you’ve gotten so far.  You want to stop focusing on what’s
wrong, and begin to take note of what’s right,
and build on that.

So let’s begin.

Pick one thing you did that was healthy
today, even if it was simply that you took a breath.
Celebrate that, commend yourself, and then choose one thing
that you will do tomorrow for your health.  Will you go
outside for a walk, will you eat an apple, will you do
something else you’ve been meaning to do but haven’t done

Take that first step.

As we journey together, we will discuss concrete steps
you can take, and I will direct you to some terrific resources.

For today, begin by shifting your focus.

Begin to take note of what’s going well,
and choose something life-giving to do tomorrow.

Your friend and partner in health,

Dr. Ben

Discover the secrets to creating your own Road Map To Health in just minutes a day.

For a wonderful way to shift your focus and
start feeling better within minutes, download the
movie at:

The Secret To You


Day #5 Turning a downward cycle around

Welcome to Day #5!

(Not already subscribed to this 7 day series?  You can do so here:  Your Road Map to Health In Just Minutes A Day with Dr. Ben)

Now ever feel lousy and just don’t know how to change it, even
though you want to?

Well, today you’ll learn simple techniques that can change how you
feel in minutes.

Once you realize how easy this is, you won’t have to stay in
a “funk” any longer than you choose to ever again!

Here we go:


First, how we feel about ourselves affects how we treat ourselves.

Whether it’s our eating habits, exercising, smoking, or
overworking, how we feel about ourselves affects what we choose
to do and is ultimately reflected in our health.

When do you tend to overeat?

When do you binge on sugar or junk food?

When do you smoke?

How do you feel afterward?

Are you ready to break the cycle?

As we’ve already discussed, changing your thoughts and what
you say to yourself is key.

The amazing thing, however, is that we can also reverse the
process–treat ourselves well to start shifting how we feel!

When you’re feeling low, take a hot bath or shower, go for
a brisk walk, listen to an inspiring song, eat an apple or
something that makes you feel healthy.

Changing the “signals” or “messages” you give your mind and
body in this way will put you on the path to life and health,
and as you reinforce these signals with healthy affirmations

“Wow–this feels good!  I feel healthy!  I’m glad I did that!”

you can turn a downward cycle around.

Lastly, experiment this week with looking at yourself in the
mirror and saying, “…you are wonderful, and I love you!”

Whether you feel it or not, say it with enthusiasm, and you
will again give your brain and body, even at the cellular level,
new and healthy signals that will create **new patterns** in
your thinking, your feeling, and your health.


Okay, let me know your own experiences with shifting how you
feel, and leave your comments and questions below!

Tomorrow we’ll shift gears to something very concrete:

fat & sugar

and 3 key steps you can take to shift your energy and how you
feel today.

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Now that you’ve begun your journey, want to accelerate your results further?  Take a peak at Dr. Ben’s Complete Guide here.

Copyright 2008-2016 Ben Lo, MD

Day #4 Changing the Rules…

Welcome to Day #4!

Today we’re changing the rules…another key step to
transforming your health and your life, and one you won’t
normally find in a “health” newsletter.

The following is excerpted from Dr. Ben’s Health Insights, something you’ll continue to receive if you initially opted in for this 7 day series there:

This morning I was discussing with a couple team members the
difference between Newtonian physics, which follows a set of
“rules” that seem to hold true for most physical situations,
and the more recently described theory of relativity and quantum
physics, which describe phenomena in newly discovered situations
where Newtonian rules don’t seem to hold “true”.

Many of us have grown up with a set of “rules” about earning
and deserving–and to an extent, these rules have seemed to
hold true and to “work”.

If you work hard, you can earn money, approval, even love…

and conversely, if you don’t work hard, do a good job, do
something right, “earn” it…then you don’t deserve money,
approval, love, happiness.

But is there another way to live that would bring more
fulfillment and joy than the “earn” principle?

I’m recognizing my own tendency to try to “earn” and to resist
receiving what I feel I haven’t “earned”.

This morning while sitting on the porch with my wife before
everyone else awoke, I realized that many of the great stories
from the Bible involved people receiving a promise that went
way beyond anything they could see or earn–whether it was a
way across the sea, water in the wilderness, or an heir to a
childless couple later in life.

In fact, the last 24 hours, the phrase “And Abraham believed God,
and it was reckoned to him as righteousness” keeps coming back to

Abraham’s “approval”, and his becoming the father to a whole
nation, was based solely on his believing God–and that when
his outward condition gave no evidence that this would be so.

“Earning” works to a certain extent–but it’s hard work and
often leaves us still striving and resisting.

What if we could learn to trust and surrender, to believe and
receive, to allow our good to come to us based on grace, based
on being, based on faith, rather than on our works or our “earning”.

A level of surrender is certainly required–surrender of our pride,
our  feeling of control, our habits of thinking and talking to

But what joy to really be free to receive!

Whatever your spiritual persuasion, many are now recognizing a
Source whom I personally call God that is all around us and is
for us.

An affirmation adapted from Florence Shinn that’s assisted me
recently is “God is my unfailing supply, and large sums of money
now come to me quickly, under grace, in perfect ways.”  You could
fill in whatever supply you are seeking–abundant life, vibrant
health, and so on.

“God is my unfailing supply, and vibrant health now flows to me
daily, under grace, in perfect ways…”

Believe and receive.  Allow your good to come to you.


Okay, that’s lesson 4.

Today we “Changed the Rules” and discussed another key factor to healing, receiving, and abundance.

Share your own experiences with earning vs. receiving and your response to today’s lesson below.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Ever feel lousy and just don’t know how to change it,
even though you want to?

Find out how in tomorrow’s lesson!   Not subscribed?  You can do so here:  “Your Road Map to Health In Just Minutes A Day”

copyright 2008-2016 Ben Lo, MD

Never stop exploring, and thoughts on gratitude…

This morning my wife Rachelle shared with me an intriguing vignette: 

 Our 17 month old son is always looking for something to touch or get into–in many ways he’s the most “on the go” of all our 5 children. 

So this morning, Rachelle asked our daughter Emmie, “Emmie, what do you think Benen’s trying to teach me?”  And Emmie answered, “Never stop exploring.”

What a perspective!

No wonder our kids often seem to have so much energy and enthusiasm for life…and what a perspective to be reminded of–never stop exploring!

Recently I’ve also been reminded in several arenas of the power of appreciation and gratitude.

Rebecca Fine in a recent interview pointed out that Wallace Wattles has a whole chapter on gratitude in The Science of Getting Rich, and I just read that Oprah has said the most impactful thing she’s done was to keep a gratitude journal.

Sometimes we want to hear about something more dramatic, a technique that’s more complex or more “secret”.

Nevertheless, the simple practice of finding things to be grateful for–especially at the beginning and end of your day to “tune in” to a spirit of appreciation–can have a powerful effect on your mood, your hormones, your cells, and your experience!

So how about making this really practical?

How about grabbing a spiral-bound notebook (you can get one for less than a buck at most stores), and writing 5 things you’re grateful for at the beginning or end of your day…or both…

How about doing this for the next 7 days…

How about for the next 21 days…

You may just find yourself developing a life-long enriching habit–that will add both quality and quantity to your life!

To your prosperous well-being!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Get your own free weekly wellness insights and tips  at www.doctorbenlo.com

True Wealth, Beatrix Potter, Coming Alive, Bucky Fuller, and the Science of Getting Rich

Just a quick note to let you know that I recently posted some thoughts on the above themes on my other blog that may interest many of you here.

You can hop on over to read this article on True Wealth here.


Dr. Ben

Get your own weekly health insights and tips with Dr. Ben’s Health Insights.

The Miracle of Health & The Paradox of Healing

My wife Rachelle and I are sitting by the fire while our daughter Emmie listens to a new CD about a violin going through many ages of music that her aunt Margaret just gave her.  Rachelle’s reading a book on Greek history, and she just leaned over and commented to me how much we take for granted our health and the health of our kids, and what a miraculous gift these are.

I responded, “Yes, it’s effortless and yet tremendous.” 

I was immediately reminded of a simple but powerful story I read in Florence Shinn’s book yesterday:

     I knew a woman who had seven children.  She knew they were all Divinely protected and
and they all grew up safe and sound. One day a neighbor rushed in and said, “You had
better call your children, they are all climbing up and down trees–they are going to kill
themselve!” My friend replied, “O they’re only playing tree-tag. Don’t look at them and
nothing will happen.” p. 342

“Don’t look at them and nothing will happen.”

Irresponsible, or a powerful clue to well-being?

Ponder that one, because that’s certainly been our experience with the health and well-being of each other and our kids…

Now, for further reading on the paradox of healing, here’s an excellent article I just read by Philip Golabuk:

The Paradox of Healing

One of the statements that jumped out at me was:

“Not all of a person has cancer, after all.”  (You can substitute any condition for “cancer” here.)

and the distinction between the phrases,

“I am a cancer patient.” and “I am a person with cancer.”

In brief, the article touches on the powerful concept of identity.

When you experience a condition or situation–in your body, your money, your parenting, or your relationships–do you acknowledge it as just something temporary that you’re passing through, or are you identifying with it…making it part of your identity…so that the condition perpetuates?

“Do not be afraid.  Only believe.”

“Don’t look at them, and nothing will happen.”

You are always more than any condition or situation you’re experiencing.

You can choose to live in worry or fear, or to live in the assumption of well-being…

Which is more “real”, the appearance of things around you, or the “unseen real” beyond what you “see”…

Food for thought.

To your abundant and blessed well-being,

Dr. Ben

Dr. Ben’s Health Insights — get your free weekly insights delivered by email here: https://doctorbenlo.com

Your life as a miracle…

“Do not be afraid.  Only believe.”  (Mark 5:36)

“There are two ways to look at life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is.” — Albert Einstein.


 Which way do you look at life?

 Which way have you looked at your life today?

I’ve been re-reading the The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and reminded of the power of our awareness, of observing ourselves and our thoughts and feelings rather than fully identifying with them.

 …of letting go of fear and the need to be right…

…trusting, and growing in awareness…

…and ultimately delighting in life…

 …delighting in Now, because Now is where I am, what I’m experiencing, and where I can choose and make different choices…

You may have noticed a variety of resources recommended on this blog, and I want to comment on that briefly today, so you can get the most out of what’s here.

First and foremost, I encourage you to look for what opens doors for you.

 What gives you a sense of “Aha…” and a feeling of moving into a larger space…

I encourage you to look beyond the words any given author or resource, or I myself, use.

Remember that our words are all merely pointers–pointing to something beyond the words, however imperfectly.

Thus, look to what the words point to, and if it’s something that expands your wonder and appreciation of “what is” and opens more doors of possibility for you, observe that and ponder it, rather than immediately reacting to the words or labels themselves…

It is not my purpose here to convert you to any particular world-view, but to merely open doors for you to expand your own awareness of principles that affect us daily just like gravity.

Sometimes you may agree with what you read.

 Sometimes you may strongly disagree.

If you allow yourself to explore, though, with an open mind, often the journey of thought and awareness that you walk will have great value for you.

In fact, in many ways it is not a book or what someone says or writes that alone is “right or wrong”, “valuable” or “not valuable”, it is the response in us, the journey in thought and awareness that we walk in response to what we read or hear, that often “creates something new” and is what has the greater value.

So enjoy exploring the resources and ideas on this site.

Better yet, add your own comments, and through dialog, we can each grow and embrace life more and more “abundantly” and wholeheartedly.

To your abundant and joyful well-being,

Dr. Ben

Do you want to become well?

The last few days I’ve been percolating on the story from John chapter 5 where Jesus meets a man who’s been suffering under his condition thirty-eight years.

Jesus asks him a very interesting question,

“Do you want to become well?”

You’d think the answer was obvious.

But the man’s answer is also interesting.

He doesn’t answer “yes.”

Do you know what he says instead?

He starts giving the reasons why he can’t get well.

But that’s not what Jesus asked.

He didn’t ask whether the man thought he could become well, or why he hadn’t become well…

He asked, “Do you want to become well?”

Isn’t that what really matters?

“Do you want to become well?”

How often do you find yourself–whether it’s with your health, a personal relationship, or your finances–talking about your circumstances–why things are the way they are, why you can’t change or get better, or even whether you can get better…

What if for the next 7 days you take note whenever you find yourself talking this way and…


Hit the “pause” button.

And then ask yourself, “what do I want?”

“Do I want to become well?”

Immediately brings your focus back to center…


End of discussion.

Practice this week talking only about what you want, without discussing whether you think it’s possible, or all the reasons why it’s not.

Play the game.

“Do you want to become well?”

Let me know what happens…!

To your joyful and abundant well-being,

Dr. Ben

Ben Lo, MD
Life & Wellness Coach
Maximize your health in minimum time.

Getting off meds, your beliefs, and Law of Attraction…

Today I want to touch on one key to transforming your health—your belief.

And to start with something specific and measurable that affects many people, let’s talk about your belief as it applies to your own experience of:

1)  Medications—prescription or over-the-counter

2)  Chronic pain

3)  Chronic fatigue

4)  Trouble sleeping

One of the fastest and most powerful ways to transform your experience is to start addressing your belief.

What do you believe about your condition?

What do you believe is possible for you?

Change your beliefs, and you start changing the path of experience you’re on.

Add your comments below on:

1) What area of your health would you most like to see changed?

2) What are your current beliefs about your condition and the possibility of change?

I look forward to hearing from you, and enjoy the posts below! 

Dr. Ben
Maximize your health in minimum time.

P.S.  Just read the 3rd free online lesson from SOGR on the Law of Attraction (You can get your own free 7-lesson series at upper right here.)

This 3rd lesson gives two key techniques—one you’re likely familiar with, but because it’s so obvious, you may not actually be intentionally practicing it on a daily basis, and the second may surprise you—with a great story and several applications to “major” life situations.  It’s called the “Energy Redirection” technique.  When you read the lesson, I’d love to hear your own examples of redirecting energy in this way!

Accelerate Your Results With the Law of Attraction

Here’s a quick post on a free report I’ve just received on shifting your awareness and accelerating your results with the Law of Attraction. If you’ve watched “The Secret” DVD or seen Michael Beckwith or other speakers from “The Secret” on Oprah, you’ll enjoy this special interview between Stephen Pierce, self-made millionaire featured in the book “I Can’t Believe I Get Paid To Do This!”and Bob Proctor, one of the featured speakers in “The Secret.”

You can get your own free copy of the report here: https://doctorbenlo.com/attraction


Dr. Ben
Maximize your health in minimum time.