Natural Healing and Change–So What If You Have A “Setback”…?

imageJust finished a coaching session with a client, and one of the topics that came up was, what do you do when an old symptom or pattern “pops” back up?

Ever feel like you’re doing all the “work” — changing your eating, doing affirmations, learning to focus your attention on things that feel good — and then something “happens” and you react just like before — maybe it’s losing your temper, getting “tight” in your lungs, or “binging” on food or an activity in some way just when you thought you were doing well?

I know when that “happens” to me, I’m tempted to unravel everything like a ball of yarn and feel lousy.

But here’s a distinction I shared with my client today:

Imagine you’re in a forest traveling down a path, and suddenly you see a sign that shows you’re heading in a direction you no longer want to head, and you realize the path you really want is “over there.”

This is a critical moment of awareness, and of a change in direction (for your cells, your health, or your life, business, or relationships).

But even though you now know there’s a different path you want to get on, and you’ve changed your direction, we still live in “time and space” in our physical experience.

So as you travel over to the path you’re now choosing, you may still be passing through some parts of the forest that you don’t like much.

And when you look at your immediate surroundings, or your current health or condition, it might seem like not much has changed, because indeed, the leaves in this part of the forest still look similar since you haven’t moved very far from where you were…


But something very significant HAS changed — your whole direction.

And as time goes on, each day you continue in a different direction — practicing new patterns — pretty soon you’ll find yourself on a very different path, and in a very different place, than where you were before.

So here’s the key.

When you take your eyes off where you’re heading and start to look at your immediate surroundings — your current condition in your body, your finances, or your relationships — you may find that things don’t look that different, and be tempted to get discouraged.

This is another critical moment.

Because something very significant has changed — your direction — and if you continue in this new direction, eventually what you see around you — in your body, your money, and your relationships — will change, too.


If you allow yourself to get discouraged, and believe the “evidence of your eyes”…the “facts” that currently surround you…and you forget that  your direction is more important than what’s around you right now…and you stop heading in the new direction you’ve started…then you could get “lost” in this part of the forest, where you’ve already decided you don’t want to be.


Remember this:

*** the direction you’re heading in is more important than where you are right now ***

and don’t let where you are right now — your current condition — stop you from continuing to create new patterns and heading in the new direction you’ve chosen.

To your prosperous well-being!

Dr. Ben


More on “Can You Rebuild Cartilage?” and How Much and What Forms of Calcium to Take…

Okay, by now you’ve read the PDF and watched the video (see past 2 days’ entries), and understand that your own beliefs and attitude play a key role in magnifying or blocking anything you do.

Now let’s talk about a couple specifics in answer to the questions on “rebuilding cartilage”, and how much and what form(s) of calcium to take. 

(For a complete guide on specific steps combined with timeless guiding principles to address all areas of your health, I recommend the Journey To Wellness & Foundational Health Program I’ve prepared for you.)

Ok. Let’s start with a couple specifics on cartilage.

I have found a particular combination of quality glucosamine, an herb called Boswellia, the spice tumeric, and a combo of antioxidants and minerals to be very effective in people with joint pain, stiffness, back pain, and even a “frozen” shoulder.

You may be able to find these in combination from wherever you normally get your supplements, or if you can’t find them, or the form you’re using doesn’t seem to be working for you, you can contact me directly by phone or email about the specific brand I use. (   1-888-909-6601)

I’ve found that with a quality formulation, even people who’ve been on glucosamine or joint supplements for years are getting relief they’ve never felt before.

Next, a quality multivitamin with “chelated” minerals (making them more absorbable) is helpful—and potentially better yet are “nano” molecules which are something I personally use now.

Here’s something else—If you’ve read my letters on Omega 3’s previously you know their benefit to virtually every system of the body…

Well, Omega 3’s are particularly beneficial for joints, and you definitely want to include them in your diet.  Omega 3’s can be very anti-inflammatory.  If you’re not getting results with what you’re taking now, you may want to double or triple the amount you’re taking, or switch forms.

(Generally, the fish oil-derived form is more readily and consistenly used in the body than vegetable forms, and Omega 3’s from krill seem to be the most readily used by the body).

Again, if you want to know how to get the specific form I use and recommend (called “Marine Omega”), you can contact me directly.

Finally, regarding calcium—as I mentioned in yesterday’s video, food sources seem to provide best results, even if the overall “numbers” are less than what someone is getting in supplements…(most research suggests 1200-1500 mg/day of calcium for adults, but as I mentioned in yesterday’s video, this kind of “exactness” may really be misleading since there are so many factors that actually determine what actually gets into your bones, and whether your bones are “brittle” or supple…)

and secondly, getting calcium along with a full “spectrum” of bone minerals and nutrients (just like from food) is best.

Some less commonly thought of food sources of calcium are:  sesame seeds, almonds, broccoli, and dark green leafy vegetables such as collard greens and spinach.

I mention these sources in particular because there’s actually some controversy about dairy’s benefits to your overall health (unless you can get “raw” unprocessed dairy from grass-fed cows);  and also, “too much” animal protein—with its higher amounts of phosphorous and tendency to make the blood more acidic–may actually “leach” calcium from your bones to buffer the acidity.


This comes back to eating as nutritionally as you can, (starting with step #1 in the Special Report from: )

giving thanks and being appreciative of everything you do eat or drink…

and then if you choose to supplement,  I’d recommend chelated forms of minerals (more absorbable) or the “nano” form I currently use myself.

Okay…there you have it…some specifics for you in answer to your questions.

Let me know your own followup questions, comments, and feedback below!

Yours in health,

Dr. Ben

How To Navigate the “Sea” of Natural Health Information…(or How to Feel Better Today…Even Without Knowing “All the Answers”)

Today I’ve prepared a special 2-part video for you triggered by the following question:

“In my Quest for good health, my biggest concern is the different answers you get when you only need a accurate answer, believe me when I say it can be a large difference, example, the research I have done on coral calcium, 1000mg per day with 1/2 that amount in magnesium and about 750 IUs of vitamin D, There are some that say 1000mg of calcium is too much, others say more 1200 and 1500 mgs of magnesium, no mention of vitamin D, just a sample…”

Now whether or not you have a question about calcium, in the following 2-part video I’m going to give you a great free resource you can access online that’s like having your own online natural health encyclopedia, and then I’m also going to give you some key guidelines for navigating the sea of health information in a way that’s simple yet powerfully effective.

So enjoy, and leave your comments, questions, and feedback below!  (Be sure to scroll down and watch both part A and Part B–they’re only about 9 minutes each!)

Dr. Ben

Part A:  (Scroll down to watch Part B after you finish Part A)

Part B:

P.S. For a complete Foundational Health Program that will save you time and money and equip you in minutes a day with the core health principles to create lasting results, visit Your Journey to Wellness.

And stay tuned for the “Get Back On Track With Your Health” coaching calls available starting Friday.

What’s your biggest question?

Today I’ve got one question for you:

If there were one thing you wanted to ask about your health or healing, or about transforming a particular area of your life, what would it be?

Leave your question in the comments below.

I’m looking for better ways to address what you really want to know through the “Dr. Ben” resources, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben

Modeling the Universe

When I wasa at MIT back in the 80’s studying electrical engineering, I discovered the importance of using models.

A model was simply a way of describing something that could give us a useful way of grasping ideas about the universe in which we lived.

And what mattered  most was not so much whether a model was “true”, but whether it was “useful”—in other words, whether the model could be used to make useful decisions and create predictable results.

What does this mean?

Well, if we “pretended” that the universe worked the way a model suggested, and we acted or made decisions based on that model, would we be able to “predict”, based on that model, what would happen next?

For example—no one’s actually seen an electron or electricity, but we have ways of modeling it that give us predictable ways of controlling our experience of light.

Well, in the same way, people have developed models of how the “non-physical”—our own thoughts, beliefs, and emotions and other things we can’t “see”—affect the “physical”—the things we can see and “measure” and experience.

Now some people like to argue over the words someone uses or whether things “really” are the way one model suggests.

I used to do that as well.

But gradually I’ve shifted to looking at whether a given model can give me and others useful and predictable results.

For example, no matter how I may describe gravity, or what “power” I may attribute gravity to, what I would consider a “useful” model would be one that let me know that if I step off a cliff, I’m going to fall, and therefore I can choose ahead of time not to step off that cliff.

Another example might be a model that reliably predicts how I can change my health, or an experience with money, by changing certain recurring beliefs or thought patterns. 

A couple such models that may be “different” than those you grew up with or learned in school are those provided by Robert Anthony and Louise Hay.

Robert Anthony takes quantum physics and applies it to your daily experience of money and of life.  He gives practical “experiments” you can do to “test” the model he gives and experience the results for yourself. 

His home-study course has been a great resource to me and to many, and after tomorrow (Feb. 29th) I’m told it will no longer be available.  But right now you can get it for half price here (and I highly recommend it!).

Louise Hay provides a model of health and of life with specific steps you can apply and “test” for yourself as well.  Her book You Can Heal Your Life (Gift Edition) has many wonderful affirmations and a unique guide linking physical symptoms with common thought patterns, and then new patterns you can anchor to change your experience.  She likens our subconscious mind to a garden and each thought we think to a seed.  What grows or “manifests” in our garden, and ultimately our experience, is determined by the seeds we sow.

Louise is now 80 and has just released You Can Heal Your Life, the Movie.

These are just two examples of “models” that could open doors for you to new experiences of life—particularly in the areas of money and health.

Enjoy, and remember to share your own experiences with using “models” of the universe in the comments below!

Dr. Ben

Robert Anthony’s “Know How To Be Rich” Course ends Friday

Just a quick heads up that Robert Anthony’s “Know How To Be Rich” Course will no longer be available after Friday, and right now you can grab a copy for half price here.

And here’s a quick message from me on the course:


This course is something that I’ve listened to over and over again (over a period of years and as recently as this week), and it’s one of the few single resources I can think of that could have a profound impact on your life experience if you apply the “practice” principle described on yesterday’s post.

Grab your own copy here, then let me know your own experiences in the comments below.

All the best to you!

Dr. Ben

Are “The Facts” About Your Health True?…and the Power of Changing Your Patterns

Recently while listening to a great mentor to me and to many in life and business, Artemis Limpert, I picked up a key phrase—the difference between “the facts” and “the truth”.

“Aren’t they the same?” you may be asking.

Well, the “facts” describe your circumstances, or your condition.

You may be ill, have a certain diagnosis, or be facing some obstacle such as no money in your bank account and wondering how to buy groceries next week.

But what’s the “truth”?

Is there something that goes beyond your current condition and circumstances?

Are you “connected” to something that goes beyond what you can see?

Whether you take a spiritual/faith approach to this question, or a “scientific”/quantum physics approach, it’s becoming increasingly clear that much of what we see and experience is influenced by what we don’t see–such as our thoughts, attention, and emotions.

I was recently reminded of how much we tend to look at circumstances and conditions…

which are actually a “result” of certain patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting…

and treat them as “defining”

as if that’s who we are and that’s our condition and we have no power to change it.

So what does this mean to you today?

Are you facing a certain condition or diagnosis in your body?

Is there a “result” or circumstance in your life you’re wanting to change?

Instead of seeing your condition or diagnosis as “defining” and taking it on as a part of your identity…

simply see it instead as a “signpost” along the path you’re currently traveling.

Now that you see the direction you’re heading, or the path you’re on, you have the option to change it, because your diagnosis is simply a temporary description of where you are right now.

It’s not an essential part of you, although up ’til now you may have been acting as if it were.

Whether it’s your weight, your blood sugar or cholesterol, or something like asthma or cancer, here’s a thought for you (you can fill in the blank with your diagnosis or condition):

“I’ve developed a pattern of _____ in my body, and now that I’m aware of it, I can change that pattern.”

How does that feel?

This is actually very key, and very possible, even if you don’t have all the answers right now.

Change your patterns, and you change your experience and your results.

How do you change your patterns?

By daily practice.

Daily practice of something new…

a new thought

a new action

a new way of looking at something

asking a different question

putting your attention on a new perspective

Daily practice.

Is there a new thought or step that’s “pinged” you this week—perhaps on this blog or something you read or heard recently?

Are you taking some action on it daily?

Perhaps beginning your day with an empowering question…

Or writing down a thought you want to anchor on a 3×5 card and reading it aloud when you begin and end your day, and throughout your day.

Or listening to or reading something daily that supports the new patterns and results you want to create—a great time is just before you go to sleep, when your subconscious is more “open” to anchoring whatever you put in front of it.
(Therefore choose wisely—TV or the “news” may not be the best choice!)

When I find a great resource, I listen to it over and over again to anchor ideas, stimulate new ones, and establish new patterns in my own thinking.

Your Journey To Wellness lays a powerful foundation for transforming your thinking and your patterns in your health.


Remember the difference between “the truth”…

which is bigger than what you see now…

and “the facts”…

which are temporary.

To your bountiful well-being,

Dr. Ben

A Guide to Living…From An Unexpected Source…

A friend from the business team I’m a part of just shared this video from Oprah with me.

It’s only 10 minutes, but it could change your life and how you choose to live today.

Using the questions and steps from the prior post “Changing Our Patterns“, ask yourself what steps you’ll take and what you will change as a result of watching this video, and leave your comments below.

Don’t miss the final line and picture…ask yourself, what message are you choosing to leave as a legacy today?


Dr. Ben

If the above video doesn’t play, you can view it here.

Natural Health and Healing: Changing Our Patterns

I just spent a few minutes browsing online at Amazon on natural
health and healing books and reading some of the customer reviews.

There’s a wealth of great information, research, and opinions 🙂
and varying life experiences out there…and it can easily become
overwhelming (unless you just love the “browsing” itself).

One of the things I’ve noticed in myself, and in both my business
and wellness coaching clients, is that the (at times compulsive)
desire to read and research for the latest information can easily
outpace actual application…

…actual change in our own health and
our own lives.

So today I want to make a suggestion.

It begins with asking yourself a question.

Before you go to bed tonight, ask yourself, of all the things you
read, learned, and experienced today–whether in health, business,
relationships, or anything else—what’s one thing you can act on in
the next 24 hours?

Let’s go one step further–imagine for a moment, and picture if you
can, exactly what you’ll say or do.

Will you take a few slow, deep breaths and think of 3 things to
appreciate when you first awaken in the morning?

Will you look for more natural “color” in the foods you choose to eat–
and pick an extra vegetable or fruit for a snack “on purpose”?

Will you set aside 20 minutes for a walk, or to read to your kids,
or to look in the eyes of your spouse?

Ask yourself this question.

Be intentional.

Take a step.

It’s these daily, intentional steps that change our patterns…

…and our results.

Let me know your own comments, questions, and feedback in the
comments below.

What step have you taken recently to change a pattern?

I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben

Quick tip to increase your focus and energy

Here’s a quick tip to increase your focus and energy, and get more done in less time:

**Use planned breaks**

Have you ever noticed when you’ve got somewhere to go, you can get your work done—-whether it’s housework, studies, office work, or business tasks—-a lot faster?

And when you’ve got “all day” or “all night” to do something, the same task can “drag on” and take forever?

So experiment with this over the next few days. Set a time limit for any task, or break your task up into segments, and plan refreshing breaks—-something you look forward to—-as a goal along the way.

Let me know how this increases your focus and energy, and enables you to get more done in less time in the comments below!

Dr. Ben