What “Thoughts” Do You Have In Front Of You?

Today I want to ask a very practical question:

What thoughts do you have in front of you?

You’re probably very familiar with affirmations–speaking out, or
affirming, something that you want to be true, or something
you’re choosing to identify with.

Today I want to give you a key perspective and practical step
you can take.

As a result of a coaching call with a good friend and mentor, I
recently wrote out a few phrases I wanted to focus on each day–
not as something I was trying to “make happen” or “force” into being
by “trying really hard”, but rather simply as key thoughts I
wanted to have in front of me every day–to create a new track
for my brain to run on, particularly in some key areas I’m
wanting to shift and expand in right now.

As I look at these specifically chosen thoughts written out in front
of me throughout my day, I’m finding that they rapidly “retune” and
“refocus” my thinking…

…and how I feel…

on the spot.

And at the same time, I’m laying new “grooves” and creating new,
consiously and purposefully chosen “tracks” for my thoughts to run
on in these specific areas.

What thoughts are you choosing today?

Do you have them out in front of you where you can “retune” and
“refocus” throughout your day?

Let me know your own experience purposefully shifting your
thinking in the comments below.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben